What do the colors in graphs represent?

Q. If I log out of my browser, would my history remain saved?
A. Yes, your history will remain saved up to 7 days, till you choose to clear your cookies in the browser cache.
Q. Can I run 2 prediction models from different tabs of the same browser?
A. No.
Q. Can I navigate away from the loading screen?
A. We understand that it can be a little time consuming, considering the high computations. Please try to be patient, and do not navigate away from the loading screen to get your results. You could, however, add your email address to receive your results.
Q. What if I add more than 25 entries?
A. We only select the first 25 entries as input.
Q. The result page shows a table of only ‘NA’ entries. What does this mean?
A. Don't worry, NA stands for Not Applicable, which indicates that for the given input, there are no ligands/receptors which can bind to the input receptor/ligand with the given input parameters.
Q. How do I interpret my results?
A. The results can be interpreted in three ways: based on Receptor Sequence, based on SMILES & based on Structure Based. The colors in the structure and graphs, green and red represent positive and negative contribution towards the binding, respectively.
Q. I set the counter value of Top-K to be ‘x’, but I receive ‘y’ output records (y<x)?
A. The value of ‘K’ only sets an upper bound of the number of outputs you can get. It is possible to have fewer receptors binding a given input smile than K, or vice versa.
Q. What does the threshold mean?
A. In OR finder, we have used a Tanimoto similarity threshold to find SMILES similar within that threshold. Setting a lower threshold would produce more output records.
Q. How to set a job title? Can I have special characters in my title?
A. Yes, all characters are fit for job titles. We recommend using meaningful job names to keep track of the job. You can see the sample input for more information.
Q. What is the prediction based on?
A. The prediction is based on Deep Learning Models.